QR Code & Barcode Generator

Free Online Tool to Generate QR Codes and Barcodes Instantly

No registration required • Instant download • High-quality codes

How to Generate QR Codes and Barcodes

  1. Enter your text or URL in the input field above
  2. Choose between QR Code or Barcode format
  3. Your code will be generated automatically
  4. Click the download button to save your code as PNG


  • High-quality QR codes with error correction
  • Professional CODE128 barcodes
  • Instant generation and download
  • No registration required

Common Uses

Website URLs

Create QR codes for your website or landing pages

Business Cards

Add contact information and social media links

Product Labels

Generate barcodes for product identification

API Documentation

Generate QR codes programmatically using our simple API endpoint.


GET https://qr-code-generator.imritesh.com/api/generate

Query Parameters

  • content (required): The text or URL to encode
  • type (optional): 'qr' (default) or 'barcode'

Example Request


Example Response

  "success": true,
  "data": "...",
  "type": "qr",
  "content": "Hello World"

Rate Limits

Please note:

  • 100 requests per hour per IP
  • Maximum content length: 1000 characters
  • For higher limits, please contact us

Usage Example

fetch("https://qr-code-generator.imritesh.com/api/generate?content=Hello%20World") .then((response) => response.json()) .then((data) => { const img = document.createElement("img"); img.src = data.data; document.body.appendChild(img); });